BOD Charter
The decree of the President Director of PT. Voksel Electric Tbk., No. 002/VE/DIR/III/2024 dated 1 March 2024 regulates the duties, powers and responsibilities of each member of the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors Duties and Responsibilities
The Board of Directors duties and functions are to manage the Company’s business and control daily operational activities based on the applicable Laws of Limited Liability Companies, Article of Association, and GMS in order to achieve the agreed target. Other than that, the Board of Directors is also responsible to carry out the Company’s social responsibilities, and paying attention to the interest of stakeholders, as well as constantly encourage the implementation of good corporate governance. Every member of the Board of Directors is required to have a proper qualification and continuously develop competency by attending seminars and professional trainings according to each duties and responsibilities.
President Director
Leading the Company and responsible for the coordination and internal control system of the Company to improve the efficiency, productivity, and performance of the Company. The President Director is also responsible for formulating long-term strategies, implementing corporate governance, and ensuring that management activities are in line with the Company's vision and mission. The President Director directly leads the Internal Audit Unit and the Corporate Secretary.
Manufacturing Director
Leading the Manufacturing Division, also oversees the Quality Assurance Division, which is responsible for the quality and conformity of products with consumer demand and applicable regulations.
Director of Finance
Leading the Finance Division and Hedging Unit, is responsible for overseeing and ensuring that the Company's financial strategies, policies and plans, both short and long term, are well organized to support the Company's business strategies and increase Shareholder value. The Finance Director is also in charge of ensuring compliance of the Company's financial activities with applicable laws and regulations.
Commercial Director
Leading the Commercial Division which is responsible for all marketing activities with predetermined targets by planning, organizing and controlling, as well as periodically evaluating the Company's sales and marketing activities.
Deputy Commercial Director
Deputy Commercial Director is responsible for Strategic Partnership Business, Engineering Customer, Export and Foreign Investment Business.
Human Resources Director
He leads the Human Capital Division, which includes Human Resources Development, Human Resources Operation, General Affairs and Safety, Health and Environment (SHE), Corporate Development . The HR Director also leads the IT Division in charge of developing and managing all the use of information technology devices, systems and networks to support the Company's operational and production activities.
SCM Director
The SCM Director oversees the Procurement Division which is responsible for organizing and strategizing the purchase and quality of raw materials as well as conducting hedging transactions to reduce the risk of raw material price fluctuations.